1. Welcome to Shopturcos!

Welcome to www.Shopturcos.com (the “Website”) and thank you for visiting.

These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are effective as of December 4t, 2022 for any use of the shopturcos.com website (the “Website”) (both via your computer and via mobile device or any other software application), on all services offered by Shopturcos and to all agreements that Shopturcos enters into for the use of the Website and the services.

By visiting our Website you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Shopturcos recommends that anyone who uses the Website or any of these services (a “User”) read these Terms and Conditions in advance. Shopturcos may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We, therefore, recommend that you read them regularly.

Products and services can be offered or searched for on the Website by a User, both free of charge and against payment to Shopturcos (the “Advertisement”). An Advertisement includes, among other things, the title and description of the products or services offered or sought.

2. Protection of your privacy

Our Privacy Policy explains how we handle your personal information and how we protect your privacy when you use our Website.

3. Minors

The services of Shopturcos are only accessible to underage Users if they have received permission for this from their legal representative or if it is customary in society for a certain minor of this age to perform the relevant act independently.

4. Unauthorized Use of the Website

The content of the Website may not be copied, reproduced, and/or made public by the User, except for RSS feeds for personal use and/or news items.  This includes, for example, use in personal weblogs or other personal websites. The User is not permitted to change the content of the Website, other than as described in these Terms and Conditions.

The User is not permitted to collect the personal data of Users who place an Advertisement on the Website (“Advertisers”) (including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) and/or to approach Advertisers for offering their own products and/or services.

The database right of Shopturcos rests on the database with Advertisements. This means, among other things, that the User is not permitted to retrieve and reuse a substantial part of the content of the database with Advertisements and/or repeatedly and systematically retrieve non-substantial parts of the content of the database with Advertisements. and to reuse within the meaning of the Databases Act, unless the aforementioned exception for personal use and/or news items is met. The User is also not allowed to display hyperlinks to Advertisements on another website, unless prior written permission has been obtained from Shopturcos, or unless the aforementioned exception for personal use and/or news items has been met.

Unless Shopturcos has given permission for this (for example in the case of API partners), it is not permitted to place Advertisements on the Website via an automated system, or in any other way than via the ‘Post Your Ad’ button.

It is not permitted to place Advertisements on behalf of or on behalf of third parties, unless Shopturcos has given permission for this (for example in the case of API partners).

5. Misuse of the Website and its Consequences

For your safety and to prevent misuse, e-mail addresses are protected by Shopturcos. Your response to an Advertisement and any follow-up messages between buyer and advertiser are sent via Shopturcos’ servers.

To report illegal and infringing advertisements, offensive content, and other problems, we request that you send us an message, via the contact us page; this way we can together ensure that the site remains as clean and safe as possible. You can report complaints about fraud via the contact us option shown in the footer.

If we receive instructions and/or complaints from other Users or for other reasons believe that a particular User is not acting in accordance with the law and/or the Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Policy, we can – if we see a reason to do so – for security reasons and to protect our Users, take the following measures, among others. Shopturcos can also take these measures if you make unreasonable use of the Website, for example, if your use hinders other Users or disrupts the proper functioning of the Website:

a. Shopturcos can exclude the relevant User from the services of Shopturcos or limit certain functionalities for this User. You can think of, for example, the suspension of the account of the User in question, the limited ability to place Advertisements or reactions; and/or
b. Shopturcos can remove one or more Advertisements of the User without a refund of the amount paid by the User.

Shopturcos may process the personal data of those involved in the context of the aforementioned measures. If there is reason to do so, Shopturcos can, within the limits of the law, pass on the personal data of those involved, for example to the police. How this works is further described in our Privacy Policy.

6. We give no guarantees

We cannot guarantee that our services will always meet your expectations. Nor can we guarantee that the Website will function without errors and/or that continuous and/or secure access to the Website or parts thereof can be obtained.

All information and numbers on the Website are subject to spelling or typing errors.

8. Limitation of Shopturcos Liability

We exclude, to the fullest extent permitted by law, liability for any damage suffered by a User as a result of

(i) use of the services of Shopturcos;

(ii) the unavailability or unsafe availability of the Website or parts thereof;

(iii) incorrect information on the Website;

(iv) purchase of services from third parties or use of products purchased through the Website;

(v) changes in the services of Shopturcos or changes in or on the Website;

(vi) actions by the User in violation of the Terms and Conditions and/or applicable laws and regulations.

9. Changes to the Services and the Website

Shopturcos may change the Website or parts thereof at any time. We can also change or terminate our services at any time. We will endeavor to provide reasonable notice of any such change or termination before it becomes effective.

10. Third Party Websites and Services

The Website contains references to the websites of third parties (for example by means of a hyperlink or banner). Shopturcos has no control or influence whatsoever over the content of these websites. The (privacy) rules of that website apply to these websites. If you have questions about these rules of third-party websites, please refer to their respective websites. This also applies to using the services of external service providers, such as third-party payment services. The use of these services will then fall under the (privacy) rules of the relevant service provider.

II Rules for Placing Advertisements

1. Shopturcos is an advertising platform

Shopturcos is a platform where an Advertiser can place Advertisements and a User can view these Advertisements.

Shopturcos is not a party to the agreement that is concluded between an Advertiser and a User. Advertisers and Users must resolve mutual disputes themselves.

2. General rules for placing an Advertisement on the Website

2.1 Advertisements placed on the Website by an Advertiser must comply with the following general rules. In addition, additional rules apply to certain groups of Advertisements, such as Cars, Services, and Professionals. These additional rules may differ from the general rules below. We advise you to always pay close attention to which rules an Advertisement falls under.

2.2 Creating an Advertisement:

a. Only one concrete product may be offered or searched for in each Advertisement for products.

b. Each title and text of an Advertisement must contain a description of the product or service offered or sought after.

c. Titles and texts of Advertisements may be drawn up in Papiamento, Dutch, or English.

d. It is not allowed to place free Advertisements more than once on the Website. It is not permitted to simultaneously have or place several identical Advertisements online on the Website. It is not allowed to offer the same object or the same service in more than one Advertisement at the same time on the Website. It is not permitted to place multiple identical Advertisements or multiple Advertisements for the same object or service using more than one account.

e. If an Advertisement is removed from the Website before the end of the initial Advertising Period (or an extension of the Advertising Period), it is not permitted to place an identical Advertisement or an Advertisement for the same object or service within the remaining term of the original Advertising Period. places, unless there is a valid reason for this (for example, the accidental removal of the Advertisement or when the purchase unexpectedly did not go through).

f. Each Advert must be placed in the best matching category.

2.3 Ad content that is not allowed:

a. The title and text of the Advertisement must not be misleading, inaccurate, or incorrect. The title and text must accurately and clearly describe the product that is offered for sale or the service that is offered.

b. It is not permitted to offer or present certain legal rights, such as the right of the User to a product or service that meets the specified specifications, as an additional service, for example by charging a fee or to be respected only against payment.

c. In any case, an Advertisement may not contain discriminatory, pornographic, insulting or threatening, or inflammatory content. The content may also not contain political messages and personal data of third parties or be contrary to public order or morality.

d. It is not allowed to place an Advertisement with the sole purpose of directly or indirectly promoting a company.

e. It is not permitted to place photos with an advertisement that does not relate to the product or service offered.

f. Free Ads may only list websites or include links to websites that have been paid for. It is not allowed to mention websites or include links to websites that are filled in whole or in part with links to advertising websites or to advertisements that are mainly aimed at processing advertising revenue by generating clicks.

g. It is not allowed to place advertisements that are only placed to generate clicks on a certain website.

2.4 Illegal or Unlawful Products or Services

It is not allowed to offer products that are illegal or unlawful or whose trade is prohibited. It is also not allowed to offer services whose performance is illegal or unlawful. Click here for a list of potentially illegal or unlawful products and services.

Both advertisers and Users must always pay close attention when offering and responding to products and services. Advertisers and Users are deemed to be aware of the laws and regulations in the area of the relevant product or service. If in doubt, we advise you to obtain further information or advice, for example on the website of the relevant regulator. The list of suspicious or prohibited products or services also contains suggestions for this.

2.5 No infringement of third-party intellectual property rights

a. It is not permitted to include a product in an Advertisement that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties. This means, among other things, that it is not allowed to offer a product that

(i) infringes another party’s copyright, such as the copyright in software or music, or in a painting or photograph created by another party, without the permission of that other party;

(ii) infringes another party’s trademark law, such as an item of clothing bearing that other party’s logo that has been posted without permission; or

(iii) infringes another party’s design right, such as a bag that has been counterfeited without the consent of that other party.

b. Only the brand name of the product offered or requested in the Advertisement may be used in the title and text of the Advertisement.

c. Only the trade name of the company from which the relevant product or service originates may be used in the title or text of the Advertisement. Mentioning trade names belonging to products or services that are not offered in the Advertisement is not permitted.

d. The product may only be compared to other products in the text of the Advertisement and not in the title. The comparison must not in any way create confusion about the original origin of the product. In the comparison, no brand name belonging to the other comparable product may be mentioned.

e. It is not permitted to include a disclaimer in the Advertisement regarding the authenticity of the product offered in the Advertisement. Advertisers must ensure that their products are genuine and may be traded before offering them on Shopturcos.

3. Placing an Advertisement

3.1. my marketplace

An Advertiser places his Advertisement via the ‘Post Your Ad’ button on the Website. Before an Advertiser can place an Advertisement, he must first log in.

It is recommended to create an account over the use of the Facebook login. By using the Facebook login your email-address will show as your username.

When creating a user account, it is not allowed to choose an advertiser name that contains a [url] or part of a [url].

It is not allowed to provide your login details to third parties. It is not permitted to use third-party login details for placing Advertisements.

3.2. Establishment of Advertising Agreement between Shopturcos and Advertiser

a. After the Advertiser has logged in, he can create an Advertisement via the ‘Post Your Ad’ button. Once the ad has been created, the Advertiser can see the Advertisement under the button ‘My Listings’ under ‘My Account’. The Advertiser can change the Advertisement by clicking on ‘Edit’ under ‘My Listings’.  In the case of paid Advertisements, the Advertising Agreement is concluded when the payment procedure on the Website has been completed.

b. Shopturcos retains all data of each Advertising Agreement for 14 days after the removal of the Advertisement. Thereafter, we will retain the Advertising Agreement details as described in our Privacy Policy.

3.3. Period that an Advertisement remains on the Website
Advertisements for which no special rules apply will remain on the Website for at least 28 days, provided that the applicable (payment) conditions have been met and the Advertiser does not remove the Advertisement himself.

If the product offered in the advertisement is sold, the advertisement must be removed. When the product offered in the Advertisement is sold, the Advertising Agreement between you and Shopturcos ends, and Shopturcos has fully fulfilled its obligations under the Advertising Agreement.

3.4. Stand out

When drawing up the Advertisement, the Advertiser has the option to make his Advertisement ‘stand out’, ‘place it higher’, etc. The rules for this are described on the corresponding web pages.

4. We make no guarantees

4.1. Advertisers and Users must conduct sufficient research themselves and obtain sufficient information before placing an Advertisement on the Website. We do not verify the quality of the content of the Advertisement, the safety or legality of the advertised products or services, the correctness of the offers, the authority of Advertisers to sell products or offer services, and/or the authority of Users to purchase products or use the services. Shopturcos gives no guarantee in this regard.

4.2. Shopturcos also cannot guarantee that the products or services offered by Advertisers on the Website will meet your expectations.

5. Indemnification service Advertisements and limitation of liability Shopturcos

5.1. Every User indemnifies Shopturcos against claims from third parties with regard to damage suffered by;

(i) entering into an agreement based on an Advertisement,
(ii) the use of products purchased through the Website; and
(iii) use of services offered through the Website; and
(iv) the (allegedly) infringing and/or otherwise unlawful nature of the (content of the) Advertisement and/or the delivered product.

5.2. The conditions for the limitation of the liability of Shopturcos are included in Chapter I, Article 8.

6. Changes

6.1. Shopturcos may change the Website or parts thereof, including the advertising duration, renewal options, the division of the categories, the layout of the Website, and search options, at any time and at its own discretion. We will endeavor to announce any such changes within a reasonable time before they are implemented.

6.2. Shopturcos can change the prices of paid advertisements at any time. If a price increase takes place during the term of an Advertising Agreement that exceeds the consumer price index figure, the Advertiser has the right to terminate this Advertising Agreement.

7. The Advertisement may also be published elsewhere

7.1. Shopturcos can use the Advertisement and its content for its own publicity purposes. This means, among other things, that an Advertisement or part thereof may be displayed by us through other distribution channels, such as on websites of other Group companies , third-party websites, in print media, or on television.

7.2. By placing an Advertisement, you automatically grant Shopturcos a free, worldwide, irrevocable, sub-licensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute and publish the Advertisement and/or (parts of) its content (and allow third parties to use, and reproduce) for marketing, promotional and/or advertising purposes. You warrant that you are authorized to grant this license.

7.3. We may provide third parties with access to an Advertisement for publicity purposes to enable them to promote it and other Advertisements on third-party websites, via email, and through other channels. These promotions may contain (parts of) the Advertisement.

7.4. The layout of Advertisements can be changed in such a way that the Advertisements are accessible from mobile devices or other third-party software applications.

7.5. The Website contains references (for example by means of a hyperlink or banner) to the websites of third parties. These references can also be placed in or next to an Ad. Shopturcos has no control or influence whatsoever on the content and policies of these websites. The (privacy) rules of that website apply to these websites.

III Additional rules for certain categories

A. Cars

1. Ad Posting Rules

1.1. Only one car may be offered in each Advertisement. It is therefore not permitted to offer multiple cars in one Advertisement and/or to reuse the Advertisement for another car after the car has been sold.

1.2. If the car offered in the advertisement is sold, the advertisement must be removed.

1.3. The text, price, features, and photo in the Advertisement must match the car offered. It is not permitted to state only the down payment for the car, a price per month (lease), or a price ex. It is not allowed to use a photo other than of the offered car itself (for example a photo from the website of the car brand or a photo from a catalog).

1.4.It is not permitted to mention other brands and models in the Advertisement then the make and model of the car offered in the Advertisement. It is therefore also not permitted to mention all other brands and models that the Advertiser (may) offer in the Advertisement.

1.4.1. It is not allowed to place an advertisement in the group Cars in which no car is offered for sale.  It is also not allowed to place advertisements for car insurance and other car-related services in the Cars group.

1.4.2. Advertisements do not allow you to advertise or link to other websites with advertisements for cars.

B. Properties

1. Ad Posting Rules

1.1. Only one property may be offered in each Advertisement. It is therefore not permitted to offer multiple property in one Advertisement and/or to reuse the Advertisement for another property after the property has been sold.

1.2. If the property offered in the advertisement is sold, the advertisement must be removed.

1.3. The text, price, features, and photo in the Advertisement must match the property offered. It is not permitted to state only the down payment for the property. It is not allowed to use a photo other than of the offered property itself.

1.4.It is not permitted to mention other properties in the Advertisement than the property offered in the Advertisement.

1.4.1. It is not allowed to place an advertisement in the group properties in which no property is offered for sale or rent.  It is also not allowed to place advertisements for property insurance and other property-related services in the property category.

1.4.2. Advertisements do not allow you to advertise or link to other websites with advertisements for cars.